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Industry Insights (2)

The hallways of THE MART were bustling with energy, as specifiers of all generations eagerly toured...
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Our minds are blown (and we aren’t surprised by data often). We’ve assembled more than 60 of the...
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According to ThinkLab research, the average sales rep used to spend 80 percent of their time...
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The professions of architecture and interior design are filled with passionate creatives who are...
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We all know work is evolving, but what you may not know is that, by 2025, Gen Z is predicted to...
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“Once you have glimpsed the world as it might be, it is impossible to live anymore complacent in...
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It’s no secret: The CEU (or continuing education unit) is a cornerstone of the interior design...
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Now that Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas” is playing on repeat, it’s time to put on our...
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As part of the Thinklab Trendspotters program, our team is joined by experienced and admired...
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