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DNA Podcast – The Future of the Design Industry

What will have the biggest impact on the future of the interior design industry? Discover what is making meaningful change in our organizations, our industry and our world. 


The Future of the Design Industry


Our final, but most important, episode this season brings you expert advice on to where to start when it comes to making meaningful change in our organizations, our industry and our world. 

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Design Nerds Anonymous
Season 2, Episode 07 Show Notes

We’re exploring how small, intentional efforts can have the biggest future impact on topics around Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion with Sam Aquillano, founder of Design Museum Everywhere, as well as the industry’s biggest sustainability initiatives with Avi Rajagopal, Editor-in-Chief of Metropolis – and his optimistic take on how a focus on climate change can bring us all together for a common cause.

So listen in, because in the words of our guests:

“Interior design and architecture – we don't just create beauty. We don't just make spaces. We don't just create function. We have this giant impact on the world. 

All of us want some kind of purpose with our work. If you're the brand that is authentically working for people, you are going to win. 

This is a forever project, this project for everyone listening to this podcast right now. This project does not end in your lifetime.”

This is the future.


Special thanks to our episode sponsors Mannington Commercial and Keilhauer, thoughtfully selected because they both represent companies that are bringing new techniques and thinking from outside the design industry for positive application.

Finally, thanks to Hannah Viti, our audio producer, and Blue Dot Sessions for providing the music for this episode.


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