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DNA Podcast - How to Engage the Next Generation of Designers


How to Engage the Next Generation of Designers

What GEN Z expects from brands

In this episode, ThinkLab interviews Ryan Jenkins, Wall Street Journal best-selling author of The Generation Z Guide, and Bobby Bonett, Executive Vice President of Digital and Strategic Growth at SANDOW Design Group, about what makes GEN Z different and how their preferences may have a “ripple up” effect across the design industry. You’ll learn what younger generations expect from brands who are trying to recruit, retain and connect with them, and how to get ahead.

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Design Nerds Anonymous Podcast 

Season 4, Episode 08 Show Notes

Highlights from this episode: 

  • [8:00] Learn why the technology has been a source of tension with millennials and GEN X in the workplace – and the opportunities and competitive advantages leaning into a generational mindset can create. 
  • [10:00] Ryan discusses how Gen Z is approaching the job hunt and the surprising platform that they rely on the most when searching for their next career step.
  • [20:00] Bobby highlights how younger generations prefer to interact with brands today, and how that will likely evolve the future of the workplace.



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Take Action on this Episode

To hear more from Ryan, join us for his highly anticipated 2023 Design Hackathon Keynote titled, CONNECTABLE: HOW TO RECRUIT, RETAIN, AND CONNECT WITH GEN Z”

Register here for the keynote! 


Design Nerds Anonymous is a proud member of the SURROUND Podcast Network. Discover more shows from SURROUND at This episode of Design Nerds Anonymous was produced and edited by SANDOW Design Group, with music from Blue Dot Sessions. Special thanks to the podcast production team: Hannah Viti, Wize Grazette, and Samantha Sager.  

Special thanks to our podcast season sponsors,  Mannington Commercial, theMART, and NeoCon – companies doing big things to move the design industry forward. 
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