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DNA Podcast - Up Next: Unveiling Season 5 with Cindy Kaufman

Unlocking Gen Z's Influence: Shaping Futures and Industries


Unveiling Season 5 with Cindy Kaufman

Unlocking Gen Z's Influence: Shaping Futures and Industries

Prepare to immerse yourself in our podcast, Design Nerds Anonymous, where we present firsthand narratives from individuals who are spearheading transformative changes.

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Design Nerds Anonymous Podcast 

Season 5, Episode 0.5 Show Notes

Join us in this enlightening episode, Amanda Schneider (Founder and President of ThinkLab) and Cindy Kaufman (Senior Vice President of Marketing at Mannington Commercial), delve into the profound influence that designers hold in shaping our future. Through engaging conversations and insightful data, they uncover the unique perspective of Gen Z. Underscoring the pivotal role of their decisions in shaping industries and experiences.


Highlights from this episode: 

  • Explore Gen Z's distinctive outlook on the world and their concerns about the future.
  • Hear how the supportive role of technology is enhancing interactions while valuing tactile experiences.
  • Uncover Gen Z's demand for meaningful returns on their efforts and its alignment with evolving work trends

Tune in to our episode for more, and subscribe so you don’t miss our upcoming episodes.



Connect with our expert guests on LinkedIn: 

Special thanks to our podcast season sponsors,  Mannington Commercial, theMART, and NeoCon – companies doing big things to move the design industry forward. 
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