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DNA Podcast - How To Build Trust With B2B Clients In Today’s Digitally Transparent Era

Data-driven insights for brands on the evolution of the B2B sale.


How To Build Trust With B2B Clients In Today’s Digitally Transparent Era

Data-Driven Insights For Brands

In this episode, ThinkLab interviews Julia McClatchy, an associate partner at McKinsey & Company, on how and why hybrid selling is becoming the dominant B2B sales role. We also share research-backed insights and practical advice on what design specifiers are looking for on brand websites.


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Design Nerds Anonymous Podcast 

Season 4, Episode 04 Show Notes

Our first guest, Julia McClatchy, explores detailed research findings on how the B2B sale is evolving. She also shares four pieces of advice for brands trying to prioritize their investments and supercharge their hybrid selling strategy. Next, we share data-driven insights on what designers need from a website at different points of their specifying journey.


Highlights from this episode: 

  • [13:26] Julia details what outperforming hybrid sellers are doing to get ahead.
  • [16:00] “Let’s listen truly to what our customer preferences are. OK, they’re different than they used to be. Therefore, we have to change, too.”
  • [19:25] Julia explains why offering more personalization leads to more sales growth.
  • [23:40] A clip from MPowered discusses the website features that most appeal to designers when they’re seeking inspiration.


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Special thanks to our podcast season sponsors,  Mannington Commercial, theMART, and NeoCon – companies doing big things to move the design industry forward. 
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