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CEU Podcast - On The Horizon: How Data Can Empower Design

Analyzing the use of data in the design industry.


On the Horizon: How Data Can Empower Design


In this episode, presented by Delta Faucet Company, ThinkLab interviews Mike O’Neill, lead of data science research for the Gensler Research Institute, and Mitch Dalton, chief innovation officer at Core Spaces. O’Neill discusses shifts in how we currently use data, how that will change in the future, and which technologies will have the largest impact on the design
industry. Dalton speaks about how to leverage data throughout the design and development process, and how designers’ inherent empathetic mindset can unlock data’s insights.

Accredited for: IDCEC, AIA | 0.5 CEU/0.5 LU 


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The Learning Objective CEU Podcast 

Season 1, Episode 09 Show Notes

Our first interviewee, Mike O'Neill, is leader of data science research for the Gensler Research Institute. He talks in detail about powerful new tools that are providing opportunities to analyze the complex interplay between people and their spaces. He urges designers to seek to understand these technologies better and also explains how designers and researchers can learn to meet in the middle.

Our second interviewee, Mitch Dalton is chief innovation officer at Core Spaces, a national student housing developer, owner, and operator. He explains how the developer gathers data with the goal of building better places for people to live. By creating personas specific to their end users, the designers can understand more about who it is that they are actually designing for and map their day-to-day use of the space.

After listening, you will be able to:

  • Contrast how we currently use data with how that will change in the future
  • Analyze the role of designer and researcher
  • Evaluate the two main types of data
  • Examine which technologies have the largest implications for our industry




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Here's how to complete your entire CEU podcast process in 4 simple steps:

  1.  Listen to the episode 

  2. Visit this link to take a short, 5 question quiz 
    * Scoring an 80% or above on the quiz will earn you 0.5 CEU/0.5 LU 

  3. Upon passing the quiz, receive your certificate of completion via email from CEU sponsor

That's it! An entire CEU done in less than half an hour. 


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Delta_Faucet_Logo_GraySpecial thanks to our CEU episode sponsor, Delta Faucet Company, for partnering with us to provide valuable insights on compelling topics for the design industry.

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