Meet Design Nerds Anonymous
You solve problems for your clients but who is problem solving for you?
Welcome to season two of Design Nerds Anonymous, the podcast that sparks curiosity at the intersection of business and design. We’re ThinkLab, the research division of SANDOW Design Group, and sister company to media brands you know and love like Interior Design, Metropolis, Luxe and more.
Listen in as we share data-driven design industry insights that can empower you to make informed decisions and help you drive economic success in your business.
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Design Nerds Anonymous Podcast: Season 2 Trailer
AJ It doesn't matter who you are in the design industry. If you're a manufacturer, a young designer, a senior designer, if you're in real estate… it doesn't matter who you are. There is an angle and an aspect on this podcast series that is going to be what you need to hear in order to be better for 2021.
Amanda And beyond.
AJ And beyond!
AJ I'm AJ Parone, I'm super excited to be back on Design Nerds Anonymous for season two.
Amanda And I'm Amanda Schneider, founder and president at think lab, the research division of Sandow and sister company to design brands, you know, and love like Interior Design, Metropolis, Material Bank, and more.
Amanda I'm excited to welcome you to season two of Design Nerds Anonymous, the podcast that sparks curiosity at the intersection of business and design. In this season of the podcast, we'll continue to share inspiration for your business, fuel for your design process… but we'll be especially focused on these connections with people and ideas for positive disruption.
Amanda We as an industry love to talk about our clients. They're so passionate about their work. So, it's easy to talk about solving problems for their clients. What's harder is when we turn that on ourselves, and we try and get everyone to talk about the tough things facing ourselves and our own businesses. What season two is really going to do is tackle the design industries issues for its own business.
So this is not focusing on your clients and how you can serve them better, do more for them. This is focused on you, the A+D firm, the manufacturer, kind of the whole design ecosystem and how we can help you drive economic success in your business.
Amanda I've played a personal hand in selecting sponsors for each season of design nerds anonymous for season two, I'm thrilled to announce Mannington commercial and Kiel Hauer as our key sponsors. Now we hand selected these two companies because we feel they're really leading the way in testing a lot of these ideas and bringing new ones. So we'll be thrilled to tell you more about that throughout season two, our designer it's anonymous.
AJ I had to explain this to somebody and what we're going through right now. I feel like we are dealing with paradigm shifts every day, in every different sector of our life. And we know how hard it is for people to go through a paradigm shift because you literally have to unthink what you think is to be true. And that's the hard part of change we are in the midst of changing every single day in every single way. And we just have to be in that mindset that it's okay to think differently.
Amanda So with that, we invite you to tune in to season two of Design Nerds Anonymous.