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DNA Podcast - The Future of Client Decision Making

All of the insights, in one place.


The Future of Client Decision Making

All of the industry insights, in one place.

A staggering 86% of B2B decision makers in the built environment have experienced significant changes in their decision-making processes over the last five years.

In this four-part mini season, we’re sharing “client confessionals” to uncover the shifts happening in corporate, education, healthcare, and hospitality. Hear firsthand from end users, corporate real estate professionals, architects, designers, and developers.

Plus, get ready for an exhilarating twist as Kaelynn Reid, Futurist and host of Kimball International’s Alternative Design Podcast, shares a visionary perspective on each sector.

Gain empathy for your clients and leave with ideas and strategies to navigate today's ever-evolving world of project decisions. Follow the show now or listen to each episode individually below as they air. 

Design Nerds Anonymous Podcast 
The Future of Client Decision Making

Episode 01 

Corporate Spaces: Understanding the Analysis Paralysis in Workplace Decisions

In our debut episode, we explore the ever-evolving landscape of decision-making for corporate workspaces. Join us as we unravel the complexities of today's uncertain times, where nothing seems set in stone.


Episode 02 

Education Spaces: The Not-So-Hidden Culprit(s) Behind Approval Bottlenecks

Step into the world of higher education, where we’re uncovering not-so-hidden culprits behind approval bottlenecks. Tune in as we share strategies to streamline the approval process and navigate academia’s challenges.


Episode 03 

Healthcare Spaces: The Paradox of an Un-rushable Process in Fast Times
In this episode, we explore one of the most critical environments to our nation’s health and wellbeing; the world of healthcare spaces. Join us to uncover what's changed, what hasn’t, and actionable steps you can take to expedite decision-making around spaces that heal.



Episode 04 

Why This 'Bad Word' Became a Must Have for Multi-Family & Hospitality Spaces
ThinkLab’s research team was stunned by the intensity of challenges and anticipated transformations in these sectors, especially regarding a once-taboo term. Tune in to discover what this 'bad word' is and why it's causing such discomfort.


Love this season? Don't miss what's next!

Subscribe to future episodes here:

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Design Nerds Anonymous is a proud member of the SURROUND Podcast Network. Discover more shows from SURROUND at This episode of Design Nerds Anonymous was produced and edited by SANDOW Design Group, with music from Blue Dot Sessions. Special thanks to the SURROUND podcast production team.


Special thanks to our podcast season sponsor Kimball international who are doing big things to move the design industry forward. 

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