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DNA Podcast -  Fostering Belonging in a Phygital World

Adapting, and Thriving in Architecture and Design.


Fostering Belonging in a Phygital World

Adapting, and Thriving in Architecture and Design.

In this episode, we explore the concept of belonging within the architecture and design industry. Listen in as we discuss the challenges posed by the return to office work and the potential of technology to enhance, rather than replace, physical interactions.

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Design Nerds Anonymous Podcast 

Season 5, Episode 04 Show Notes

In this insightful podcast episode, we explore the concept of belonging within the architecture and design industry. Megan Henshall (Global Events Stategist from Google), shares three crucial dimensions of belonging: being part of a group, sharing common ideas, and connecting with various related groups.

In the second part of the episode, we chat with Kristin Cerutti (Regional Design Director at Nelson Worldwide) and Lilley Thomas (Interior Designer at Nelson Worldwide), to discuss the challenges posed by the return to office work and the potential of technology to enhance, rather than replace, physical interactions.

If you want to emphasize the value of empathy, choice, and adaptability, this episode is a must listen.

Highlights from this episode: 

  • Uncover the secrets to creating inclusive and belonging-focused event experiences
    for anyone interested in fostering human connection.
  • Learn why belonging matters more than ever in today's dynamic workplace and
    event landscape, with practical insights on creating immersive and inclusive environments.
  • Discover how establishing personal connections beyond job titles in the workplace,
    making employees feel like they belong and are part of a larger community.

Tune in to our episodes for more, and subscribe so you don’t miss our upcoming episodes.



Connect with our guests on LinkedIn: 

Design Nerds Anonymous is a proud member of the SURROUND Podcast Network. Discover more shows from SURROUND at This episode of Design Nerds Anonymous was produced and edited by SANDOW Design Group, with music from Blue Dot Sessions. Special thanks to the podcast production team: Hannah Viti, Wize Grazette, and Samantha Sager.


Special thanks to our podcast season sponsors,  Mannington Commercial, theMART, and NeoCon – companies doing big things to move the design industry forward. 
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